Specimen Palms and Tree Palms
Specimen Palms - Tree Farm
At Jardin’s production nursery in Abuja we grow most of our palm tree stock from seed. They are nurtured in small containers and are then transplanted and grown on to specimen sizes in dedicated areas of the nursery. We have a wide variety of species to achieve different effects within our landscape projects. Some of the palms are container grown although most of the larger plants are open grown. With over 30 species to choose from we can select the right plant for the selected location. Some of our specimens are over 6 metres high and can create an instant effect in the new environments we create.
At Jardin’s production nursery in Abuja we have a large area devoted to the growing of trees of all sizes for our projects. They are started from seed or from cuttings in small containers and are then transplanted and grown on to specimen sizes in dedicated areas of the nursery. We have a wide variety of species to achieve different effects within our landscape projects. Most of the trees are container grown to keep them to a manageable size where we can select the right plant for the selected location. We stock over 80 species and our specimens are generally kept below 3 metres high but will grow rapidly to create an instant effect on our landscape projects.